Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cabin Fever

Im over due for a post, Ive been told, lol. Yes it is true:)
I love to write and am flattered by those who take an interest in my journey with all its twists and turns.
There are many thing Id like to change in my life.
Spring is right around the corner and I think with the two toddlers and two teens we are all getting on each others nerves a bit :)
With cabin fever setting in, I am imagining what yard work I want to do first! :) I LOVE yard work, planing flowers spending some quality time with our pet fox and raccoon, its the best!
Winter is really hard for me because it stifles all the way I nurture myself. So by the time spring rolls around, Im ready to ride my horse, walk the dogs and spend my entire pay check at LOWES lol..yep, thats summer for me!
For now, whats really kept me sane is a new found passion for art :) Ive always loved drawing and sketching but Ive recently  developed a thing for mosaics! Im working on a peacock that is going to F'in ROCK! lol

Stephen and I are gearing up for our Pennsylvania trip in a few weeks to make a baby :) that still hasnt quite sunk in..such a bizarre thing to wrap my mind around. I feel like the universe is really smiling on me.
In the past few days I have had the most unexpected people cross my path. A gay man I met via facebook who also adopted as a single Dad, a girl I went to high school with, who never really had very kind words for, contact me and explain that she had grown up, was glad to have found me and admired what I had done with my life.
..and then I have been chatting with Rhea. My god..the things I have to be grateful for!!  (For my new readers, Rhea is our surrogate and we are starting insemination mid march.)
So, so what if a bunch of my family cant see past their own dysfunction to be present in my life! Look at the great things I have right under my nose!
I have a partner who'd do anything in the world for me, kids who are thrilled when I read Green eggs and Ham, and two teenagers who may not always like to admit it , but who deep down think Im pretty cool :) lol
Now, lets bring on some warm weather so I can shed a few winter pounds! :)

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