Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What was the best part of YOUR day?

So often , around the dinner table, Id ask my teenagers, "How was your day" or "How was school" ..and of course to these closed ended questions, i got one word answers like "fine" boring" or Nuthin" Ooooook, so then i tried my open ended questions, trying to solicit some conversation from these beings that just a few years ago would talk my ear off. Of course now that there are teenagers, I sometimes get the feeling that Im just not "hip" enough to possibly understand their feelings because they have no idea that I , too, have experienced teen aged angst once upon a time :)
Now, dont get me wrong, the aliens havent totally taken over their brains. Its just once in a while that they turn into these young men I dont know lol. Most of the time they are very commnicative..for the most part.
So then, I tried open ended questions like , "Tell me about your day" and that got me answers like. "It was fine" . "It was boring" LOL...
Then i thought of a movie I once saw with Michelle Pfiefer and Harrison Ford. I forget the name of it, but basically it was about this dysfunctional marriage..they fought A LOT ..kind of depressing actually. BUT there was ONE scene that has stuck with me for years that i do with my own family to this day:
So after a long day, a long fight, or no matter how awful they had been to one another..the family would sit around the dinner table, and the father (Harrison Ford) would ask each of then two questions:
1.What was the best part of your day?
2. What was the worst part of your day?
The "fine"'s and the "boring"'s turned into articulated opinions and thoughts expressed with passion and purpose.
Each family member can answer however they like, say whatever they want. It may sound simple and maybe even cheesy that i had to get something so simple sounding from a movie, but it has been AMAZING the thoughts, feelings and opinions I have gotten out of my children; the little ones as well as the teenagers. and its gotten to the point where my older kids will ask me, "Dad, what was the best part of YOUR day?..sometimes without my even soliciting has become something THEY want and see value in...not just me.
More times than not, when asked what the best part of my day has been I will typically say, "this..right now" because there is nothing more intimate..more real than getting the chance to crawl inside their heads for a moment, inside their hearts, and see that there is a place where we can all find one another again, after the bullies at school, after the commutes to work, after all the things they are sure I could never understand, we can find one another again and be reminded that WE ARE A FAMILY, no matter what anyone else says or believes.


  1. That is so often the best part of my day too. I love being able to spend time with the boys and hear about their day.

  2. I love that, we have been doing it for years, we call it "high/Low's" the high is the good part and the low is the bad. We always say the best days are the days without any low's. We do it every night at the family dinner table, which also seems to be a forgotton family event. Good for you.
