Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I was driving the boys to school yesterday morning about 7:30am, and was getting ready to drive to work shortly thereafter.
Walking the boys to their classrooms, I get a text from Rhea saying "Lets make a baby"! The long and short of it is that she ovulated early so we had to make arrangements for the kids, stephen had to drive an hour and a half *back* from work were he had just arrived and hop in the car and make a 9 hour drive to inseminate lol
about an hour from the house I realized that I was really nervous!! LOL. Im not sure about what. ,,it wasnt about having a baby, it wasnt about "performing"..I guess it was just the "mechanical aspect of it all that was a little nerve wracking, so I suppose it was a little about the performance part of it.
When I wet to the hospuatl about a month ago to get my sperm count done, it was a little weird , handing my "sample" to this lady who could have been my mother, behind that desk, but handing my "sample" ( i hate that word lol) to my freiend..with her kids and our kids running around in the next room..well thats just weird LOL..but all went very well and now we wait :)
We brought the toddlers and left the older kids at home for two days ( they are teenagers; they'll be fine )..Marcus kept asking where we were going. The answer I could give him was: "Going to see our friend Rhea ..it'll be like a really big field trip:)"
We had never met her 5 boys before..ALL under the age of 9! lol. THAT was a hoot! Our kids had SO much fun playing and playing and playing...lol They all crashed around midnight..and even then the giggles, trips to the bathroom and talking and taddling  continued for quite sometimes as the residual energy slowly left their little bodies; allowing them to get the sleep they were fighting with every fiber of their beings LOL
This morning (the day after) we inseminated again, just for good measure lol, and we will start the fun fun fun process of waiting! (*insert sarcastic icon here*) Coming from someone who is actually trying to conceive, it seems bizarre to me that thousands of teenagers accomplish this every year with some Bud lite in the back seat of a car, while others try so hard by planning and calculating! lol
Please do a little fertility dance for us :) and keep us in your thoughts.
There is no one on earth who could love a child more than this one will be loved

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