Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tingle and trickle

Woke up in a funk. Dont know why, just one of those irrational mornings when nothings really wrong but nothings quite right either. A few weeks ago I realized that I really needed an outlet for myslef..something that was just MINE. Not Stephen's, not the kids, just mine. Creativity is usually my poison of choice so thats where I started looking. I found an art class downtown for mosaics. I signed up and my first class was this morning.
Before leaving the house i was a little bitter that I was in such a funk because I wanted to walk into the class with a clean , fresh mental pallet.
As soon as I got there and started sketching some ideas for my project, my funkiness melted away, and the creativity started to tingle in my fingertips and trickle through my veins.
It was kinda like waking up after a loooooong over due sleep when you open your eyes and see all the possibilities in front of you.
My fantasy is when we buy the farm, to have a small barn in the back of the property that we use for a family art gallery. Both my older sons are very talented sketch artists as well as mosaic and stained glass. Id love to be able to go there and crank some music up and just have a totally creative space to wash away the funk so I can see from my eyes again.  To me, art is like a shower for the soul. It just makes me feel fresh and rejuvenated.
The class is for 6 weeks I think, two hours a week. Im taking on quite a large Im hoping I didnt bite off more that I can chew:)
Ill post a pic when Im done :)
Thanks for Reading

1 comment:

  1. I think you'll make amazing art. I understand what you mean about finding something that is just yours. I work, go to school and do for the kids and hubby and thats about it. I struggle to find something that I can be passionate about. My husband is a very talented musician, he has that. My kids have all of their own interests. I feel like I lost "me" along time ago.
